Welcome from Albie Derbyshire & Elizabeta Kuzevska
Creators of The Online Marketing Academy!

"Money Is Attracted"


“Money is usually attracted, not pursued.”
~ Jim Rohn

July 13th, 2011

Money, like our thoughts, is fluid.  It ebbs and flows.  Sometimes it is found; sometimes lost. 
Sometimes we scrape it together, other times we juggle what we have and sock it away for another time.

If we hold too tight, we stop the in-flow of what’s coming.  If we release our fearful grip,
we can somewhat manage the outflow while allowing in-flow from unexpected places.

In my experience, it can show up at the very last minute, filling the void like an important guest speaker. 
How do we trust that the void will be filled and release the anguish of playing out all the what-if scenarios?

This is where faith steps in.  Faith in the unknown.  If we allow money to do its thing, without adding
greed or fear or “not enough” mentality, it will show up when needed.

If we can let go of the constant worry if we can get our heads out of the way,
and lead with our hearts instead, money will follow. 
Abundance will come in all forms when least expected. 
And we can look back and realize,
“I am always provided for. 
I have all that I need.  I am alive and well in this moment. 
All I know is right now.  And right now, I am provided for.”

Tides will return to replenish dry sand.
Rain will fall on arid soil and form puddles.
Abundance will slide in to fill empty places.

“Money is usually attracted, not pursued.” ~ Jim Rohn
(Bold font added). 

This article found on:

Wellness Words of Wisdom
A weekly blog about loving and living by Jan Morris


We look forward to working with you! 


Albie Derbyshire
cell: 626-379-5692